I know I've been missing and don't worry, I'm not dead, just buried under "STUFF". Now some of the stuff is nice stuff, like this stack of quilts where you'll most likely find me, but the rest of the stuff is because, a) Christmas is over, b) New Years bring new fresh beginnings, c) we shampooed the carpet and moved everything off of it. d) I decided I wanted the furniture changed.
Well, that's my story and I'm stickin' too it. Moving the entertainment center (large) will give me a lot more room in the family room so that's why the move, but it also had a LOT of STUFF in it. Some things I haven't seen for years and probably don't need or want anymore. SO... I'm sorting out and cleaning out and in the middle of it all, I get a stomach bug and have to work as well, so there it sits until. HRH can get the cable lines moved (ripping up carpet and putting wires underneath), and help me sort HIS part of the stuff for the bone yard (what I call the trash). Well, you know HIS stuff is treasure and my stuff is junk. That's the way men think, right. So this is how the new year is going begin in our house. I hope to de-clutter this year. I'm tired of it and want to simplify a bit, no, a lot! NOT my stuff, you know, but his stuff and stuff not quilt related. SO I have a guard posted near this stack of antique and family quilts so they won't "go issapear" as my kids used to say. (that's disappear to you kidless ones)
Have a great New Year.