We had a nice 4th of July holiday weekend at home. I was able to take a private class with a friend who teaches a fractured flowers class. She hadn't taught this one for a while and needed a dry run before she had a big class of ladies. I got my top finished and when I get it bordered, quilted and bound, I will show it to you. The rest of the weekend was just relaxing (well, not the yard work part).
Our Maggie (standard poodle child) was terrified of the fireworks and our neighbors were going non-stop for 6 days before and on the 4th. I had to go to the vet and get her a tranquilizer to get her through. She would tremble and her heart just pounded and eyes were so frightened. I felt so bad for her. We live in a state where all fireworks are legal and people go all out. One neighbor was bragging that they spent $10,000.00 this year. I can't believe the waste when so many are having such a hard time. Well, I had better climb off my soapbox now.
Yesterday was a work around the house day and I had a lot of paint touch up to do after having new baseboards installed. Finding the paint we used was the big problem. I used the wrong paint on one wall and couldn't get it wiped off. I never did find the right paint so will have to repaint the entire wall. AAARRRGGG! For now, it is hidden behind a piece of furniture, but I have to remember if I decide to move things around.
Maggie and I are off to run errands and get back home so we can perhaps go for a walk before the heat sets in. It is supposed to be cooler today, so I didn't have to get going too early, however.
Make it a good day! Carline