Lady of the Cloth
My journey on the road of life with quilting, cake decorating, and soap making... So many paths to take, so little time...
Sunday, March 4
Saturday, February 11
Among the living
Thursday, July 7
What a beauty!
Monday, June 27
Patriotic weekend
Friday, June 24
blocks for GD quilt
I made a pact with myself that I would give up pleasure reading and quilting for the summer and concentrate on the yard work (which I do not enjoy at all). Well, I have been doing pretty well. I haven't had my nose in a novel since the last Jennifer Chiaverini book, The Union Quilter. It was not her best book by a long shot and I had to plow though to get finished, unlike others where I couldn't put it down. Anyway, long story made short, I started a new quilt last week.(so much for deals made with myself). My 13 year old granddaughter still sleeps with her quilt I made when she was born and it is pretty raggedy.
Thursday, June 16
Quilt patterns everywhere
When we visited St. Patrick's cathedral in Dublin, I was pleased to see these tiles on the floor. At this point, we had discovered that my camera wasn't working, so all pictures were taken with the I-Pad. It takes great pictures outside, but not so good indoors.
Sunday, June 12
Land of Castles and rock walls
Friday, April 15
A couple of friends and I went to the farm store and got baby chicks. They are so cute and one day will supply us with lovely eggs. Now they are under a heat lamp in the garage. I got a variety of 6 and the Rhode Island red on will be called Luci, after Lucille Ball, the yellow one, I think will be Greta Garbo, the black ones, well, I'm stumped. They are (1)Barred Rock, (2)Silver laced Wyandott, both are black and white speckled. The other one is just plain black. Anyone out there care to help me name them?
Wednesday, April 6
Easing into the 21st century

Our son visited and ushered me into the 21st century with my phone and computers. He hooked up my wireless network that I didn't realize I had. I knew we got the router, but thought it wasn't hooked up right because of course, it wasn't working for me. He also got my phone and car talking to each other and the blue tooth working, as well as getting my phone camera and my Mac on speaking terms. I wish he lived closer as I need him around about one day a week at least. . So even though things are working, I didn't get them posted correctly. I finally got the beach pictures uploaded in the last post, even though I had intended them to be in this one. Is there any hope for me? Don't answer that! I will whow the lovely sea food dinner we had though.
Friday, March 11
Beautiful day at the coast.

Saturday, February 12
Looking in his rear view mirror, he saw a Montana State Trooper, blue lights flashing and siren blaring.
He floored it to 100 mph, then 110, then 120. Suddenly he thought, "What am I doing? I'm too old for this!" and pulled over to await the trooper's arrival.
Pulling in behind him, the trooper got out of his vehicle and walked up to the Corvette. He looked at his watch, then said, "Sir, my shift ends in 30 minutes. Today is Friday. If you can give me a new reason for speeding--a reason I've never before heard -- I'll let you go."
The old gentleman then said: "Three years ago, my wife ran off with a Montana State Trooper. I thought you were bringing her back.
"Have a good day, Sir," replied the trooper.
Tuesday, February 8
Lost in nothingness
Friday, December 31
What I have been doing
I haven't felt too creative lately so I have been making cushions to take to the animal shelter. I was given some used drapes by someone who thought I could use the fabric for quilts, but I wasn't too sure of the content and frankly, didn't really like it much. The dark fabric was the lining and was pretty faded, but when I used the back, it was fine. HRH had found a few, well, many, bags of fiber fill in the garage that someone also gave me to use in quilts thinking it was batting. I had plenty of that and fabric bits that I trim and put in an old crock until I get enough I use them for dog beds too. So I accomplished a few things, cleaned up things I don't need. made HRH happy to get the stuff out of the garage and I'm sure the pets at the shelter will be happy and at 18 degrees F today perhaps a little warmer.
Tuesday, December 28
One more in the to speak
Sunday, December 19
Baby gift finished

And they called it Puppy Love,